We hold the following accreditations:
ISO 9001: 2015 – Quality Management System
Achilles Link-Up – Rail
Achilles UVDB – Energy/Utilities
UVDB Verify – Utilities
NACE ( In-house Level I & Level II painting / Inspector)
SSPC Train the painter training scheme
ICATS (Industrial Coatings Applicator Training Scheme)
Approved Passive Fire Protection Applicator – Chartek
NHSS 19a accreditation
Acclaim Health & Safety accreditation
We are currently hold the following memberships:
NACE – The Corrosion Society
Institution Of Corrosion – Sustaining Member
RISQS – RaiL Industry Suppliers Qualification Scheme verified
WJA – The Water Jetting Association
RoSPA: The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
Builder’s Profile – Premium membership
Constructionline – Gold membership
Members of (SSIP) Safety Schemes in Procurement
At SPC all our staffs are trained to a very high standard to maintain a safe and competent workforce. We are fully committed to ensure personnel are trained to meet the demands of their working environments along with the skills required to meet client expectations.
Our Training strategy and department in conjunction with HSE arranges and oversees the training delivered by external organisations to ensure our safe execution of contracts.
All our staffs are trained and accredited in the following categories:
ICATS (Industrial Coatings Applicator Training Scheme)
CCNSG (Client Contractor National Safety Group)
CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) Construction Related Operative
PASMA (Mobile Aluminium Towers)
MEWP (Mobile Elevating Work Platforms)
IPAF (The International Powered Access Federation)
Confined Space Working
Asbestos Awareness
PTS (Network Rail Personal Track Safety)
RASH Application (Ministry of Defence)
SSSTS (Site Supervisor Safety Training Scheme)
ICORR (Institute of Corrosion) – Paint Inspectors
NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers)
IOSH (Institute of Safety & Health) COSHH Regulations, Risk assessment and management